How to bid
Our auction sales are mail bid sales and, therefore are on-line.
On the site’s (AUCTION) page you will find information on the auction lots including complete descriptions, starting prices, and, in most cases, photographs.
To place a bid on a lot of interest to you, you must enter the amount into the box provided and click on the (Save) button. Repeat this process for each lot you want to bid on. Click on the (View Saved Bids) button to view the listing of lots you have bidded on at any time. When you have finished placing your bids, you must click on the (View Saved Bids) button again to fill in your personal information and send the Bids Form. The system will automatically send us an e-mail message with the list of bidded lots and you will receive a message confirming receipt of your bids.
You can also view the auction lots in person at our offices, or request personalised copies of the listings.
All auction lots listed on the website are available for sale (unless already sold to another bidder). There is no closing date for bids.
The prices posted on the site are the final sale prices and are therefore firm and not negotiable.
All orders are processed on a first-come, first-served basis and strictly in the order they are received.
The prices posted on the site are the final NET prices (VAT included). Only shipping charges and/or shipping insurance fees are applicable.