Lote: 0746. ✉ Yv. 4. 1869. Cover to LYON franked by mixted issue 1864 Arms pair of 15 s. brown with 1867 10 s. blue, tied by SMYRNE cds. Scarce cover.
0747 - 100€
Lote: 0747. ✉ Yv. 2, 4. 1870. Letter sheet to ITALY, bearing 3 s. green and 10 s. blue pair, cancelled SMIRNE cds's. Black cachet PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/AUSTRIACI.
0748 - 175€
Lote: 0748. ✉ Yv. 5. 1870. Cover to GERMANY, franked with 15 s. brown, tied SMIRNA cds. Fine and rare. Signed CALVES.
0749 - 210€
Lote: 0749. ✉ 1870. Entire to GENOVA with SMIRNE despatch cds., and 1870 dues 30 c. and 40 c. tied GENOVA arrival cds's. Fine and scarce cover.
0750 - 200€
Lote: 0750. ✉ 1870. Entire to GENOVA with SMIRNA cds, and taxed on arrival with 30 c. and 40 c. postage due, tied GENOVA cds.
0751 - 30€
Lote: 0751. ✉ Yv. 4. 1880. Cover to LYON, franked with 10 s. blue, tied SMIRNE cds. Roughly opened at top.
0752 - 100€
Lote: 0752. ✉ Yv. 4. 1880. Entire to SYROS (Greece) franked with 10 s. blue, tied SMIRNE/LLOYD cds.
0753 - 200€
Lote: 0753. ✉ 1875. Entire from Austria PO in VARNA (Bulgaria), with VARNA cds, taxed on arrival GENOVA and charged 60 c. due stamps tied GENOVA cds. A rare and fine cover.